Saturday 7 January 2012

How Effective Is Apple Cider Vinegar on Candida Treatment

It can take several years to realize that one has Candida since it is known to be very mysterious ailment and the symptoms are not very well pronounced; some of these symptoms might not be limited to craving for sugar, memory loss, unexplained fatigue and yeast infections. Once the conditions is diagnosed as Candida, there are natural methods which work better that prescribed medicine from your local drug store the leading being apple cider vinegar.

Being rich in mineral enzymes which regulate Candida presence in our bodies, apple cider vinegar aids in the growth of healthy and beneficial bacteria which prevent growth of Candida. This substance is used in balancing your body’s pH level. Cider vinegar clears Candida properties; with its benefits, you can spread them to all other spheres of your health without risking any side effects.

Choosing the right and original apple cider vinegar from your grocery or store makes all the difference in your lifestyle. You should be able to distinguish between the commercial the white distilled caramel colored vinegar with the raw one; the raw apple cider vinegar contains Candida combating nutrients.

To eliminate yeast in your body system, you are required to take 1-2 tablespoons each day since apple cider vinegar balances your pH level is it is taken continuously. This routine should be included in your daily meal plan. To make the mixture more palatable, you can add Stevia for some tangy tea flavor or add some honey in your glass of warm water and the vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar can also be added in your cooking to include it in your daily serving portions or just plain as vinaigrette salad dressing. Most of modern day recipes are compatible with apple cider vinegar and trying it on different ones is always a good healthy experience.
When you start having Candida symptoms such as fugal infections and yeast, applying apple cider vinegar topically helps in arresting the problem as long as you apply externally to the affected areas; including a cup of vinegar in your hot bath also does it.

Always remember that Candida symptoms can get worse in the initial stages when you start using apple cider vinegar; this is normal as the yeast is starting to die rapidly thus causing the reaction. You might even experience some slight headache and the symptoms starts to clear very fast.

How To Cleanse And Detox Using Apple Cider Vinegar

When it comes to simulation of blood circulation and detoxing the liver according to western medicine, apple cider vinegar leads in the process. Ancient societies used this substance for the purpose of purifying the blood. With today’s lifestyles, people are more exposed to toxins then never before thus apple vinegar is gaining as much popularity. Natural detoxing has an upper hand compared to modern prescription medicine due to its lack of side effects.

Due to its mineral, vitamins and enzyme richness, apple cider vinegar has the ability of supplying these nutrients your body badly needs whilst keeping all toxic materials away. Their ability to fight off Candida, fugal infections and bacteria is unsurpassed. You do not need to have a condition to warrant you use cider vinegar; you can keep it in your kitchen take it at will.

One major benefit of apple cider vinegar, apart from aiding in detoxification, it breaks mucus in the body thus cleansing the lymph node for better lymph circulation; once this is achieved, body cell toxins are removed hence building a strong immune system. Cider vinegar does all this when it is taken in its natural form and is used to facilitate quick weight loss.

Taken religiously before meals, it makes digestion easier and takes your gastric health to high levels thus removing toxins more effectively and efficiently. A better functioning digestive system means waste is eliminated faster and the body is left more nourished with the absence of toxins which damage the digestive system.

To achieve fast and genuine results, the original product is recommended; it should be in liquid form, unfiltered and unprocessed. Avoid other forms of cider as they might be less effective compared to the original ones and might be of no health benefit to your health. There are many cheap replicas of apple cider vinegar in the market with food color added to make them look genuine.

When taken in small doses (1-3 tablespoonfuls in a glass of water) through out the day, your digestive mechanism improves tremendously. You can use it as salad dressings, use with hot water or honey to make it more pleasing in your mouth.

You can include a cup of apple cider vinegar and Epsom salts in your ho bath as this draws out toxins through the skin hence initiating the cleansing or detox process. This also relieves joint pains and works well on eczema and acne skin conditions.

To get the best results of raw apple cider vinegar, you need to eat a well balanced diet comprising of unprocessed and natural food in your meal plan, take raw foods which are good in providing nutrition to your body. Organic foods also help in preventing exposure to a myriad of toxins, exercising is also important in cleansing and detox process of your body. Lastly, use natural beauty products as well as household cleaning agents ensuring you drink pure or filtered a lot of water to rid yourself with exposure to toxins.

How To Treat Lyme Disease Using Apple Cider Vinegar

What is Lyme disease?

This is an infection of the blood which is spread by tick bites and was reported in early in Connecticut. Also referred to as Borrelia Burgdorferi bacteria; it derives its name Borreliosis and apple cider vinegar has been known to treat the basic symptoms of this disease by killing its bacteria.
Causes of Lyme disease:

Lyme disease is known to be caused by ticks found in deer; thus they are the main carriers. Once an infected tick bites you, the bacterium enters the bloodstream. It should be noted that not all tick bites lead to Lyme disease. You should though be weary if interacting with a wild deer without proper tick protection in place. Once the bacterium enters your bloodstream it takes time before full blown symptoms start to appear.

How to diagnose Lyme disease:

Once the tick bites you, you get a red swelling at the bite site which is also known as erythema migrans which is a clear indication of an infection. Not all victims experience this swelling, in actual fact, only half the population shows the swelling and this becomes a challenge in diagnosing Lyme disease. On the other hand, chances of detecting the tick might be nil as it detaches itself from your skin immediately after the bite. The easiest method of diagnosing the disease is through blood test or scans which positively identifies the presence of any bacteria antibodies in the blood.

What are Lyme disease symptoms?

Once you are bitten once, the first swelling appears followed by smaller skin rashes on various body parts. The bacteria releases toxins in to the bloodstream thus more symptoms start appearing. Some of these symptoms include flu like symptoms and joint pains. As the aliment advances, neurological complicated symptoms like losing memory, fatigue, abnormal heart beat, insomnia, body numbness, meningitis, and Bell’s palsy among others. If these symptoms are left untreated, they might lead to severe neurological underlying conditions as well as complete loss of mobility. 

Natural treatment for Lyme disease

Unfiltered apple cider vinegar is the best solution and been proven to work for several years now and is obtained through fermenting apple juice. Once used correctly, apple cedar vinegar works like an antibiotic or antiseptic which kills Lyme causing bacteria. This substance is also used to treat some maladies like high blood pressure, acid reflux, diabetes and arthritis. Please note that vinegar can irritate persons with heartburn and general system ulcers.


Unfiltered or raw apple cider vinegar might contain pesticide remnants from sprayed apples, hence organic apple cider vinegar is recommended. Take eight ounces of water and mix it with one to three tablespoonfuls of vinegar in a cup of water. This can be taken tree times a day and should be drunk before meals. The taste might not be appealing and you can use it with some honey with hot or room temperature water for better results.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Ginger And Cinnamon As Heartburn Remedy

Heartburn is a chronic and painful and expensive described as acidic reflux or gastrointestinal reflux disease and cost the economy more than $10 billion annually in medical expense. It also leads to reduced productivity which also has economic impacts. Some of the known methods for this ailment include over the counter medication market and surgery. The most and affordable method is apple cider vinegar, cinnamon and ginger which are available in most kitchens at home and are good traditional remedies.

Lowered esophageal sphincter results in uncontrolled acid flow from the stomach to the oesophagus. This leads inflammation which is usually experienced as the usual heartburn. Some of its symptoms include dry coughs, chest pains, dental caries, sore throat, laryngitis and can advance to lung complications and asthma. Excess ulceration or narrowing of the oesophagus may lead to cancer depending on individuals. Another sign is sleep disruption leading to reduced productivity and work absenteeism. 

Causes of heartburn are numerous and the known link is refined or fatty foods together with alcohol and caffeine. Others include overeating, smoking and stress while on the other hand obesity and overweight people account for 50% of those who experience acidic reflux as compared to people with normal weight. 

When it comes to heartburn treatment surgery is known to be effective but relatively expensive. Suppressing acidity on a long term basis does not really help as it leads to complicated digestive disorders and deficiency ailments. Once the system is weakened, disease susceptibility becomes order of the day as bacterial infections become uncontrollable. Some signs might include headache, abdominal pains, diarrhoea, hip fractures, pneumonia, and blurred vision among others. Once this happens you should consider natural remedies which are cost effective and have less side effects.

The most effective and recommended remedy is apple cider vinegar which you need to take one unfiltered table spoonful before or with your meals. This works two way; one for people will low acid and two for people will excess stomach acid to better digestion process. Vinegar dilutes stomach acid thus enabling proper food digestion.

The vitamins and trace minerals provided by apple cider vinegar reduce stomach acids whilst providing you with anti fungal and antibiotic properties which ease digestion disorders. The other alternative is the Korean cinnamon sticks, freshly done ginger root, dried persimmons or even sugar. You can find all these recipes and more on the subject online.

How Is Cider Vinegar Beneficial To Your Heath

Being on of the oldest remedy for many ailments, cider vinegar has been used over the years across the world. In this article, I will explain its benefits and composition..

Apple cider vinegar is a composition of various substances which include very vital vitamins, trace elements and minerals. It also consists of various acids like lactic acid, amino acids, acetic acids and Propionic acids among others. On the other hand, it is full of roughage, potash and pectin common in apples.

Some of the vitamins and minerals contained in apple cider vinegar include and not limited to the rare vitamin P, chlorine, sodium, silicone, potassium, calcium, vitamin A, C and E, vitamin B1, B2, and B6, beta carotene, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus and fluorine. All these are very beneficial to your body and its metabolism and acts as defence against diseases as well as weight loss.

Apple cider vinegar has many uses which are listed below: 

Aids in the proper body metabolism function at its optimum
Helps in burning of body cholesterol to avoid obesity and weight gain
The substance helps in regulating the amount of water in our body cell thus keeping you healthy
It helps in balancing of water retention in the body hence avoiding water saturation.
Keeps your blood pressure in check by preventing blood circulation complications
Prevent your premature arteries calcification and speeds up blood circulation
It helps in your personal memory and concentration levels just like in yoga
While it regulates your body temperature, it also enhances your general body energy and vitality.

Apple cider vinegar is also used as a purifying and detoxifying agent for liver, the kidneys and bladder by preventing increase in your urine alkalinity. This it does by breaking down fatty acids, phlegm deposits and mucus hence enhancing the functioning of these vital body organs. With its oxidizing abilities, it makes the blood thin and eases the digestion process whilst neutralizing all harmful toxic substances entering the body. Cider vinegar also neutralizes most harmful bacteria found in other foods and fruits.

Cider vinegar is known to ease allergies and common colds due to its richness in potassium. It also prevents finger nail splitting and tooth decay which result form potassium deficiency which is responsible for replacing worn out tissues. As a beverage, cider vinegar is believed to ease the effects of arthritis; it can also be applied on affected joints with the use of soaked cloth.

Other ailments that that a patient can benefit from include nose bleeding, asthma, high cholesterol, colds, diabetes, muscle cramps, Candida, dizziness, eczema, fatigue, insomnia, depression, gallstones, hay fever, ear discharges, diarrhoea, loose bladder, sore throats, stiff joints, headaches, stomach ulcers and weight loss.

Friday 6 January 2012

Cider Vinegar Weight Loss

One of the oldest methods of weight loss still remains the cider vinegar weight loss; it should be noted that diet pills, exercise program and extreme dieting are other forms of weight loss; with vinegar weight loss, you do not need to use chemicals or starve yourself to death.

The solution to your overweight program might be lying I your kitchen or at the local grocery store. Cider vinegar has been used over the years all over the world for the purpose of helping in loosing weight.

It might be difficult to explain how cider vinegar works scientifically but for those who have used it have been able to lose weight and achieve their goals. Stories abound on how people have lost weight when they use cider vinegar. Most scientific tests have failed to prove its efficacy but it does work wonders.

The rationale behind cider vinegar weight loss is that this substance increases a person’s body metabolism making it digest and transform food to energy very fast. On the other hand, it burns weight gaining calories thus shedding some of your weight. Cider vinegar is also believed to cleanse the liver which is a major contributor to weight lose process. Liver as an organ has various functions and there are many benefits associated with its periodic cleansing; one of these benefits is weight loss.

Research has shown that consumption of cider vinegar before or with meals makes one feel full and guards against overeating which is among the major caused of weight gain and obesity. Ancient Egyptians are known to have indulged in this weight loss program before people took interest in cider vinegar.

To get started in this cider vinegar weight loss program, you need to get the basics right; cider vinegar can be taken with a glass of juice or water and taken before or with your meal. You can get tablets or capsules from your local physician especially those containing vitamin B6 and Lecithin which are better than cider vinegar when taken alone.

Cider vinegar has other health benefits apart from weight loss as it is naturally rich in minerals and vitamins. Potassium contained in cider vinegar is known to lower blood pressure thus aiding in your general health. It also contains fibre which helps in absorbing cholesterol which leads to heart problems as well as helping in proper food digestion, arthritis, sore throats and even diabetes.

Cider vinegar is also very acidic and can burn your mouth, teeth and throat; once diluted to the right quantity, it is usually safe to use as a non-prescribed medicine though you should always contact your doctor before using cider vinegar for weight lose.